Equities and bonds are commonly favoured by many investors, while commodities are often overlooked as an investment option. This may be due to various reasons, including a lack of understanding and limited access to the necessary resources or platforms to invest in commodities. Historically, investing in commodities has required specialised knowledge and access to futures markets or physical commodities, which not all investors may have. Additionally, the volatility in commodities prices can pose a challenge for investors, making it more difficult to predict price movements and potentially leading to greater fluctuations in returns. Despite these challenges, investing in commodities can offer diversification benefits to a portfolio, including a hedge against inflation and reduced overall risk through low correlation with equities and bonds. The correlation between commodities and other asset classes is shown in the figure below. Generally speaking, commodities tend to exhibit a low correlation with other asset classes.
Source: Morningstar Direct, reproduced by PCM
Although commodities included in commonly traded commodities indices may not be easily investable directly, futures contracts on commodities are a widely used synthetic proxy for such investments. Consequently, the components of these indices reflect the price performance of exchange traded futures contracts that are linked to the underlying commodities. When a futures contract nears its expiration date, it is replaced by an identical contract with a later expiration to ensure the continuity of each index component. This process, referred to as “rolling,” facilitates the index’s exposure to that commodities future by transitioning to the next contract. Hence, each underlying component tracks a series of futures contracts relating to a single commodity. The Bloomberg Commodity Index (BCOM) is frequently used to monitor the performance of commodities. Underlying futures contracts of BCOM undergo the rolling process every 2 months; with each commodity having designated rolling schedule.
Below is a list of the components included in the BCOM, along with their corresponding futures contracts, expiry and weightage.
Source: Bloomberg, as of 26 April 2023.
Commodities Congestion
Most commodities indices including BCOM roll their futures contracts in five days starting on the 5th business day of the month and ending on the 9th business day of the month. As a result, during this period there is a substantial amount of similar trading activity when the ‘rolling’ process is occurring, causing an inefficiency or “congestion” in the commodities market. Investors trading during these periods may face strong ‘opposing’ market forces that naturally moves the market against commodities buyers. This trading pressure will naturally move the market against investors i.e., causing them to sell lower and lower and buy higher and higher.
Commodities Congestion Alpha
Bank of America (BofA) created a new “smart roll” index that is identical to BCOM (ex-Lean Hog, as Lean Hog is not Shariah compliant) except for that has a rolling process over 15 days before BCOM begins its rolling process, it can potentially help investors to capitalise on the market pressure that is exerted as BCOM begins its roll because:
- we are rolling equally over 15 days, not 5
- the amount of notional invested in our new index will be a fraction of the size of the amount invested globally in the BCOM
The strategy will ‘long’ the “smart roll” index and ‘short’ the benchmark BCOM (ex-Lean Hog) to create the congestion alpha strategy. This is able to generate a return as there will be much less pressure during the rolling period. Therefore, we would expect the pressure of selling lower and lower and buying higher and higher to be much reduced. Except for the different rolling period, the long and short leg will be the same; therefore, the final index (BABXEVFL) will have very little directional exposure to commodity markets. The returns come from the fact that we long an index which is more efficient at replicating the commodity investment than the benchmark BCOM index.
The figure below shows a comparison between the performance of BABXEVFL and BCOM.
Source: Bloomberg, reproduced by PCM
Private Managed Account (PMA) Alpha Strategy
Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd (PCM) is pleased to launch a structured product that makes investing into commodities possible. The structured product is only available for sophisticated investors as defined by The Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (CMSA). Please click the link to access our Placemat. You may email us at cse.my@phillipcapital.com.my if you require any further information.
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