Phillip Managed Account for Retirement (PMART)
  • Stands for Phillip Managed Account for Retirement which is open to all investors who have adequate savings in their EPF Account I.
  • Is an investment portfolio of shares, ETFs or unit trusts managed by Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd, an EPF approved Fund Management Institution.
  • Offers EPF contributors an alternative for their EPF Savings to be managed by a fund management institution of their choice

Mandates Min Initial Investment Amount Min Subsequence Investment Amount Download Factsheet
Phillip PMART Quant US Aggressive Portfolio RM 30,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Quant US Shariah Aggressive Portfolio RM 30,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Opportunity  Aggressive Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Opportunity Conservative Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Opportunity Shariah Aggressive Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Opportunity Shariah Conservative Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Blue Chip Conservative Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Blue Chip Shariah Conservative Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Dividend Enhanced Balanced Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Dividend Enhanced Shariah Balanced Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART ESG Aggressive Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART ESG Conservative Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART ESG Shariah Aggressive Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART ESG Shariah Conservative Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Dividend Enhanced ESG Balanced Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART Dividend Enhanced ESG Shariah Balanced Portfolio RM 10,000 RM 5,000
Phillip PMART UT Aggressive Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART UT Conservative Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART UT Shariah Aggressive Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART UT Shariah Conservative Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART UT Flexi Aggressive Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART UT Flexi Conservative Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART UT Flexi Shariah Aggressive Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART UT Flexi Shariah Conservative Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART ETF Aggressive Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART ETF Conservative Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART ETF Shariah Aggressive Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip PMART ETF Shariah Conservative Portfolio RM 5,000 RM 1,000
Phillip Managed Account (PMA)

Phillip Managed Account (PMA) is a discretionary portfolio with mandates to provide capital gain over long term by investing in Malaysian equities.

Mandates Min Initial Investment Amount Min Subsequence Investment Amount Download Factsheet
PMA Opportunity RM 200,000 RM 10,000
PMA 4% RM 200,000 RM 10,000
PMA Absolute8 RM 200,000 RM 10,000
PMA Mini RM 50,000 RM 10,000
PMA ETF RM 50,000 RM 10,000 Please refer to the Phillip PMART ETF Portfolio Factsheet
PMA Dividend Enhanced ESG RM 50,000 RM 10,000 Please refer to the Phillip PMART Dividend Enhanced ESG Portfolio Factsheet
PMA Blue Chip RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 10,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 10,000 Please refer to the Phillip PMART Blue Chip Portfolio Factsheet
PMA Dividend Enhanced RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 10,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 10,000 Please refer to the Phillip PMART Dividend Enhanced Portfolio Factsheet
PMA ESG RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 10,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 10,000 Please refer to the Phillip PMART ESG Portfolio Factsheet
Phillip PMA UT Aggressive Portfolio RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 5,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 5,000
Phillip PMA UT Conservative Portfolio RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 5,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 5,000
Phillip PMA UT Shariah Aggressive Portfolio RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 5,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 5,000
Phillip PMA UT Shariah Conservative Portfolio RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 5,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 5,000
Phillip Global Wrap Account (PGWA)

Phillip Global Wrap Account (PGWA) allows individuals to invest in international stocks, foreign unit trust, exchanged traded funds and alternative investments. Investor are allowed to gain access to more than 23 global exchange by open a PGWA account with us.

Mandates Min Initial Investment Amount Min Subsequence Investment Amount Download Factsheet
PGWA Asia Focus RM 200,000 RM 10,000
PGWA New Frontiers RM 200,000 RM 10,000
PGWA Quant Global RM 50,000 RM 10,000
PGWA Quant Global Shariah RM 50,000 RM 10,000
PGWA Quant Asia Pacific RM 50,000 RM 10,000
PGWA Quant Asia Pacific Shariah RM 50,000 RM 10,000
PGWA World Leaders RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 15,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 10,000
PGWA Global UT RM 50,000
(Initial investment of RM 10,000 is available via Online Account Opening)
RM 10,000