Who We Are

Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd (PCM) is part of the global PhillipCapital group of companies. It is licensed by the Securities Commission under the Capital Markets & Services Act 2007, to carry out fund management services. It is one of the appointed Fund Management Institutions under the EPF Members Investment Scheme. Currently PCM’s total shareholder’s funds are in excess of RM25.2 million.

PhillipCapital operates in the financial hubs of 15 countries, with offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, China (and Hong Kong SAR), Japan, India, UAE, UK, France, Turkey, Australia and USA. Here in Malaysia, PhillipCapital is represented by Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd, Phillip Mutual Bhd, Phillip Wealth Planners Sdn Bhd, Phillip Capital Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Phillip Futures Sdn Bhd) and Phillip Research Sdn Bhd.

Mandate Info (PMART)

Scam Alert Regarding Corporate Identity Misuse

To Whom It May Concern,

We have identified instances where individuals and organizations are misusing and cloning the corporate identities of Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd (PCM), Phillip Mutual Berhad (PMB), and Phillip Wealth Planners Sdn Bhd (PWP)…

Market Updates

Can the Water Rabbit Emerge Unscathed from the Recession Hole?

As predicted, the 2022 Water Tiger year was filled with unforeseen changes and surprising developments ranging from the outbreak of the Covid-19 Omicron variant, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine creating wreak havoc to the commodity markets with sky high prices that led to inflation concerns, Fed Funds rates raised …


World Debt-GDP Ratio Plummets But Remains Above Pre-Covid Level.

While total public and private debt hit a record $235 trillion last year, it plummeted when expressed as a percentage of economic output, which rebounded last year after the steep Covid-19 recession of 2020, the fund said Monday in a blog accompanying the latest update of its Global Debt Database.

KLCI Index

Daily Changes

July 27, 2024

Phillip Highlights

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Private Mandates
Phillip Managed Account for Retirement (PMART)
  • Stands for Phillip Managed Account for Retirement which is open to all EPF members who have adequate savings in their EPF Account I.
  • Is an investment portfolio of shares, ETFs or unit trusts managed by Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd, an EPF approved Fund Management Institution.
  • Offers EPF contributors an alternative for their EPF Savings to be managed by a fund management institution of their choice

Phillip Managed Account (PMA)

Phillip Managed Account (PMA) is a discretionary portfolio with mandates to provide capital gain over long term by investing in Malaysian equities.

Phillip Global Wrap Account (PGWA)

Phillip Global Wrap Account (PGWA) allows individuals to invest in international stocks, foreign unit trust, exchanged traded funds and alternative investments.

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  • ESG
  • Finance
  • Investments

Investment Insights and Strategy Series by PCM – July 2024

The MSCI Asia Pacific Ex-Japan Index (+3.5%) staged a comeback and significantly outperformed the MSCI World Index (+1.9%) in June on account of exceptional performance from Asia Pacific regional winners. […]

Strategic Positioning for ESG-Conscious Investors (Part 2)

As ESG practices continue to improve, many companies are striving to enhance their ESG efforts. Malaysia is no exception, with numerous major corporations, including publicly listed companies (PLC), leading the […]

Harnessing the Future: The Rise of Renewable Energy

The energy transition has become increasingly vital on a global scale, with many countries implementing strategies and objectives to reduce their carbon footprints and achieve net-zero emissions. Malaysia has joined […]

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